Despite its ever-increasing popularity, Whey protein still has its fair share of misuse & misconceptions. So what’s the big deal with whey and how can it be put to good use in one’s health & fitness journey?

For starters, whey protein is one of the best dietary sources of quality protein that’s derived from milk. So if you’re good with dairy, you’re good to go with whey. Compared to other protein sources, such as eggs or fish, whey is digested & absorbed quicker into our body and is even effective at reducing inflammation and moderating blood sugar levels, making it a friend to people diagnosed with type II diabetes.


Of all the THREE macronutrients we required daily, protein is also the most satiating – helping us feel satisfied after meals. Which explains why whey protein users often report lesser hunger distractions, increased focus, and better mental capacity. All of which lead to higher work productivity and overall fulfilment in their daily standard of living.


So in the fast-paced, hustle & bustle culture of Singapore, where health goals such as lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, and unwanted body fat are universal, but are also commonly (and unfortunately) neglected. Whey protein supplementation steps in as a dietary aid & answer together with the above-mentioned benefits, to make it an affordable and worthwhile investment for people of all shapes & sizes, at any and every fitness journey.


Cliff Ethan Sim




1. Arnarson, A. BSc PhD. (2021, December 10). 10 evidence-based health benefits of whey protein. Healthline. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-health-benefits-of-whey-protein

2. Nordqvist, J. (2017, November 27). Whey protein: Health benefits, side effects, and dangers. Medical News Today. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/263371

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